Current Netflix Favorites

October marks the beginning of my most favorite time of the year! The weather begins to cool, I can pull out my boots that have been stored away for, what seems like, forever, the time changes, and bundling up becomes more frequent as the month progresses into November and then December. While I binge on …

Day 59/100

MAY 1 Give yourself permission to do absolutely nothing. This isn't anything new, Lol. I always do nothing; I lack motivation most of the time. I didn't work that much today because I'm not sleeping that well after moving. I worked for a few hours and then went home and took a three hour nap. …

Day 40/100

MARCH 29 Have a cuddle night with your significant other, children, and/or pets. Well, due to unforeseen (actually I did anticipate it) circumstances, a "significant other" will no longer be in the picture. Sadly, decisions were made and I must move on and move away from someone who has little respect for me as a …

Day 27/100

MARCH 14 Watch a documentary about an unfamiliar topic. I talk about it a lot, but I love documentaries. I've actually watched many of the ones on Amazon Prime, Netflix, and HBO Go so I've been finding it difficult to find new ones. I watched a chiller documentary on Netflix tonight called Killer Legends. I …

Day 21/100

MARCH 7 Go see a movie in the theater. Well guys, this one is going to be really short and not that fun. I'm in a tough spot right now financially AND I just decided that I'll have to move out of my apartment within the next 3 weeks. I have to save every penny …

Day 12/100

FEBRUARY 21 Plan out your day per hour and follow it as much as possible. As everyone has experienced at least once in their life, not everything will go as planned. Even when this is the case, I find myself more productive and on track when I plan out what I'd like to do for …

Day 4/100

JANUARY 21 What about your body are you grateful for? After watching a documentary last night about ME/CFS, I have to say that I am thankful for the ability to move. While I struggle with my mental health, malaise, and headaches, I am still able to move on a regular basis without pain. Many people …